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Hot Topic gun safety score

Grade: B

Gun Safety Certified

Hot Topic has acted to keep its customers and employees safe from gun violence.

Thank Hot Topic for helping us build safer communities.

To: <>

Subject: Hot Topic must act.

Dear Hot Topic,

Americans are grappling with the consequences of gun violence every day, yet the federal government has failed to pass legislation that would keep us safe. That’s why large American employers have a responsibility to their workers, customers, and communities to do everything they can to keep us safe from the estimated 393 million firearms in civilian hands.

Hot Topic, we want to thank you for prohibiting guns in your stores and not donating to the top recipients of NRA dollars in Congress. As a result of these actions, your company has scored a B on the Gun Safety Scorecard at

Over 40,000 Americans lose their lives to guns every single year, including 12,000 people who are murdered with firearms -- most of them young Black and Latino men. Women, who represent the primary shoppers of American households, are also disproportionately impacted by gun violence. Five hundred and fifty-four American women are shot and killed by their intimate partners every single year, on average—a death every sixteen hours.

That is why we are so grateful that you’ve recognized that American corporations have an opportunity to lead in helping build safer communities for us all. And, we’re calling on you to go even further by investing in community-based violence intervention programs that are reducing rates of every-day gun violence and by publically calling for gun reform.

American businesses know that gun violence can also impact business. Research has found that surges in gun violence reduce the growth rate of new retail and service businesses and gun violence broadly imposes $229 billion in total annual costs on the United States – approximately 1.4 percent of GDP.

Since 72 percent of the public feels more favorably towards companies with CEOs that actively support gun safety laws, we are calling on you to act.

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The Business Must Act Coalition